
Quality Defenderom upravlja Elecimport China sa sjedištem u Šangaju i Guangzhouu, te sa inspekcijskim timovima u svim većim industrijskim područjima Kine, kao i u nekim zemljama jugoistočne Azije. Osnovani 2005. godine, pružali smo usluge pregleda prije isporuke, revizije tvornica, ocjenjivanja dobavljača, testiranja proizvoda i konsultantske usluge u cijeloj Kini i jugoistočnoj Aziji mnogim uglednim kompanijama iz Europe, Amerike, Australije i Azije.

Backed by the collective professional experiences and industry knowledge of our team, Quality Defender is well suited to be your reliable partner to safeguard your product quality and stand out from the crowd by enhancing the safety of your procurement decision through our comprehensive quality control solutions.

Our inspectors are qualified inspectors of The Lighting Industry Association in the United Kingdom. We believe that the ongoing improvement of our team members through various training schemes is important for enabling our inspectors with diverse product knowledge to demonstrate their talents to our global customers. With our first class training and robust ethical standards, Quality Defender Inspection Services have been providing hundreds of thousand pre-shipment inspection services to our global customers in the past decade and deliver our customers the peace of mind and confidence that their products meet the exact quality standards and align with their expectations.

For more information about us please subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfJrv4tldK-ug8ap4LF6CWA